Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Little Randomness

I did it, I got an instagram account. I have been thinking about it for awhile and finally decided to do it. It's not just horse stuff, but I will be posting lots of horse stuff on there; so if any of you are on Instagram, I would love a follow!
Right now it's called bitbybits but I am thinking of changeing it...not sure though.

Ya'll have a great safe weekend! I have some fun posts coming up with lots of pictures!


  1. Awesome!!! I have an IG too! It's kansascowgirl97

  2. Hey Malory! I found this on a website and I was wondering if it was Chester...I know the man said his birthdate was in April but ya never know.

    You may want to do some research on it. :) I'm gonna dig a bit deeper, I love this kind of stuff, haha!

    1. Wow, that totally looks like Chester! Thank you for sending it my way! I am definitely going to look into it! =)

  3. Okay, this is definitely his pedigree. Got some Go Man Go in there! Wowza, Chester!

    Looks like he is more than likely Appendix Bred.
